Rifle and Cooler Raffle
Raffle of a Mosseberg Patriot 270 bolt action rifle, fluted barrel, spiral fluted bolt with knurl pattern, black stock and a 3-9 x 40 mm Vortex Crossfire II scope.
Click image to see cooler, and for more information.
Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50. You can purchase tickets via Venmo @ChrisHodgesMemorialFund, make sure you include a phone number, or you can send a check to PO Box 1340 Jackson, WY 83001
Drawing will be held in December 2023
Shotgun Raffle
Raffle of Mossberg Silver Reserve 12 guage shotgun with 28" barrels.
Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50. You can purchase tickets via Venmo @ChrisHodgesMemorialFund, make sure you include a phone number, or you can send a check to PO Box 1340 Jackson, WY 83001
Drawing will be held in December 2022

Taco Dinner and Silent Auction
Come join us for dinner, a little soializing and maybe you’ll go home with something sweet. The Elks Lodge on July 16, 2022 is where our annual Silent Auction and Taco Dinner will be held this year. $20 person or $50 for a family of all you can eat delicious food catered by Jedediah’s from 5:30pm until 9pm.

Chris Hodges Memorial Baseball Tournament
We will once again be providing all the food for the Chris Hodges Memorial Baseball Tournament at the concession stand at Giants field this year. All proceeds from the sale of food, hats, drinks will help to support our scholarship program for graduating seniors and to keep Chris’s legacy alive.

Chris Hodges Memorial Fund Benefit
Taco Dinner at Jackson Elks Lodge provided by Jedediah’s. Selling raffle tickets for a 12 gauge over-under Weatherby Orion 1 shotgun made in Wyoming.